The temptation-coping questionnaire: Development and validation
Abstract: This study describes the development and validation of the Temptation-Coping Questionnaire (TCQ). The TCQ is designed to assess high-school students’ coping with situations presenting temptations for substance use. A principal components analysis of the questionnaire was conducted on data from 545 adolescents in Grades 9 to 12. Analyses yielded two coping components, of which one was retained following examination of construct and criterion validity. The resulting TCQ component was strongly correlated with measures of situation appraisal and predicted current substance use. The findings of this investigation are interpreted to provide support for the validity of the TCQ and initial evidence for the utility of the temptation-coping construct when applied to a general high-school population. These results reinforce the importance of behavioral and cognitive strategies for managing temptations to use alcohol, drugs, or both.
Myers, M.G., & Wagner, E.F. (1995). The temptation-coping questionnaire: Development and validation. Journal of Substance Abuse, 7(4), 463-479. doi:10.1016/0899-3289(95)90016-0