Substance abuse interventions with Latino adolescents: A cultural framework

Substance Abuse Interventions with Latino Adolescents: A Cultural FrameworkAbstract: This chapter presents a cultural framework for the development of effective substance abuse interventions for Latino youth. The conceptual background and rationale for interventions with Latino youth are presented, and cultural factors relevant to the implementation of interventions are discussed. We conclude with a description of a brief intervention for alcohol and drug abuse for use with juvenile justice populations and tailored to meet the specific needs and life circumstances of Latino adolescents and their families.

Gil, A.G., Tubman, J.G., & Wagner, E.F. (2001). Substance abuse interventions with Latino adolescents: A cultural framework. Innovations in Adolescent Substance Abuse Interventions, 353-378. doi:10.1016/b978-008043577-0/50036-5