Improving treatment through research: Directing attention to the role of development in adolescent treatment success

Abstract: Treatment of adolescents with alcohol use problems can be as successful as in adults, but the success often is short-lived, with most treated adolescents relapsing within a few months.

Psychiatric symptom patterns, proximal risk factors, and sexual risk behaviors among youth in outpatient substance abuse treatment

Abstract: The purpose of the current study was to classify adolescents receiving outpatient treatment for alcohol or other drug (AOD) problems via self-reports of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed. American Psychiatric Association, 1994) psychiatric symptoms, and to identify group differences in measures of proximal risk factors for sexual risk behaviors (SRBs) and self-reported SRBs.

Empowering lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth: Lessons learned from a Safe Schools Summit

Abstract: The bullying of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) youth in schools is a significant problem in the United States. This study examined responses of youth participants at a statewide Safe Schools Summit to a survey of their experiences with school-based violence, harassment, and discrimination, and of the effects of their attendance at the Summit.

Exploding stereotypes and moving forward: LGBT research has a new look

Abstract: The article reviews the books “Handbook of Counseling and Psychotherapy with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Clients,” second edition, edited by Kathleen J. Bieschke, Ruperto M. Perez and Kurt A. DeBord and “Sexual Orientation and Mental Health: Examining Identity and Development in Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual People,” edited by Allen M. Omoto and Howard S. Kurtzman.

Developmentally informed research on the effectiveness of clinical trials: A primer for assessing how developmental issues may influence treatment responses among adolescents with alcohol use problems

Abstract: The goal of this article is to familiarize readers with the adolescent developmental issues and processes most likely to affect responses to treatment for alcohol use problems. Although the need for research that blends developmental science and treatment outcome research is widely acknowledged, scant information exists about developmentally informed approaches to treatment research with alcohol-abusing teens.

Predictors of retention in an alternative-to-prison substance abuse treatment program

Abstract: This longitudinal study examines predictors of retention among alternative-to-prison substance abuse treatment clients. The roles of motivational factors and the client-therapist relationship are examined. The sample was composed of 141 male felony offenders who were legally mandated to a community-based, long-term residential drug treatment program.